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AstronomerAND is a podcast dedicated to discussing astronomy through the lens of diversity. Each week I talk to an astronomer who identifies in a non-traditional way. Please follow on social media, join the mailing list, and scroll down for episode breakdowns. I would love to hear your feedback at Scroll down to see my previous guests!


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Alexis Acohido

Episode 1: We Were Punks in Middle School

In this first episode of AstronomerAND I talk with Alexis Acohido, who is a Remote Telescope Operator for the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. We discuss Hawai'i astronomy, outreach and education, and Alexis' experience as a part Native Hawaiian woman in Astronomy. 

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KeShawn Ivory

Episode 2: An Ode to Andreas Berlind

Episode 3: Afrofuturism Through the Lens of Star Trek

Episode 4: Going to Bed at 8 is the New Clubbling

In the second, third and fourth episode I talk to KeShawn Ivory, a 2nd year PhD student in astrophysics at Vanderbilt University and a Fisk-Vanderbilt Master's-to-PhD Bridge scholar originally from Garland, TX. KeShawn's personal and professional choices are guided by his firm belief that research is meaningless if it can't be accessed by all who wish to participate, and shared with all who wish to learn. When he isn't working on galaxy mergers, KeShawn loves to write (mostly prose, sometimes music) and sing.

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Doug Simons

Episode 5: A Man Who Does Not Like Pokémon

Episode 6: Powers Whiskey is the Answer to Everything

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In episodes 5 and 6 I talk to Doug Simons in the first of two episodes. Doug Simons received his BSc in astronomy at the California Institute of Technology in 1985, and his Ph.D. in astronomy at the University of Hawai‘i Institute for Astronomy in 1990, before working as a staff astronomer at the Canada-France-Hawai‘i Telescope (CFHT) for 4 years. Doug returned to CFHT in 2012 where he served as Executive Director for nearly 10 years. In 2021 he returned to his alma mater where he now serves as Director of the UH Institute for Astronomy. He is an avid supporter of education and community outreach and has helped develop a number of programs including EnVision Maunakea, Maunakea Fund, Maunakea Scholars, and A Hua He Inoa. 

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Allison Kirkpatrick

Episode 7: Getting Pregnant Super Easy and Other Life Lessons

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In episode 7 I talk to Allison Kirkpatrick, an assistant professor at the University of Kansas. She is an obervational astronomer, with a focus on supermassive black holes and their effects on how galaxies evolve. She is also the director of the KU Physics & Astronomy department's new NSF REU program, and cares deeply about Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion. I learned so much talking to Allison and she has become a wonderful fountain of information for me. I hope you guys learned from her as much as I did. She is an astronomer, but she is also a woman and a mother – in fact, she had suprise twins in grad school! I hope you enjoy this episode. 

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Ethan Siegel

Episode 8: Half Man, Half Dwarf, with a Mötley Cruë Beard

Episode 9: You Choose with Whom you Ride

In episodes 8 and 9, I am talking to Ethan Siegel in the second of a two-parter where we talk about Ethan's career and we deep diver into mental health and how we can all improve the academy. Ethan Siegel is the world's greatest living science communicator. He has a PhD in cosmology, is a former professor of physics and astronomy, and left that career behind to work full time on communication under the banner Starts With A Bang! He now spends his days writing stories, articles, books, creating podcasts and videos and delivering talks to curious minds all across the world.

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